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MP performance question


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I mentioned this previously in my review but thought I might get response to the problem if posted seperately.


Oh, btw, my specs -> P3 500Mhz Dell, 384MB memory, 16MB Riva TNT graphics, 7200rpm hd, sound, etc.


I tried MP online last night. I was greatly disappointed and I am sure someone will tell me the reason why. The main problem was FPS. It would drop all the way down to 5, 6, 7 FPS when I was out there doing the nasty. Even if I hid and stared at a wall it really never got beyond 30 or so. Too bad, because it looked like a bunch of fun!!! The maps I tried worked well and were very functional. But the FPS was terrible. For measure I tried a MP game not online (I was server, password protected, one human player) and the FPS was much better (more like SP) and was a blast.


Overall I love this game, I am pleased that I bought it and plan on many hours of enjoyment. The performance on my system in SP is very acceptable and exciting.


Now for those who have more knowledge tham me, maybe you can help....

I have a cable modem and the avg speed is 1.5MB based upon several speed testing sites (yes, cleared caches, etc.). So that is not the problem. As a point of reference, I play Unreal Tournament (UT) on line a bunch and it is smooth as silk. I am running JO at 640x480, low settings, etc. The list of servers show ping times well below 100 on many of the servers and those are the ones I tried. As I mentioned, the MP FPS is terrible.

Any ideas why or what I could do to help it (other than buy a who new machine). I was curious if a more modern GeForce type graphics card would help but I fail to understand why that would help when online MP is slow but SP and non online MP is not?

If I cannot get better performance in online MP it will not be the end of the world as I thouroughly enjoy UT and like the way that engine plays more than the Q3 engine.




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yes a new videocard will help. ALOT.


but your cpu is probably too slow to keep up with the newer cards anyway.


still. getting a new card will mean the game will run alot better, but not by too much because your cpu isn't feeding enough juice to the video card..



time for a system overhaul man.

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