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Just got JK2 - First Impressions


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System: AthlonXP 1800, Geforce3, ABit kg7lite, using winXP pro


I've been looking forward to this game, and it seems well done.

Crisp graphics, nice textures, great sounds and effects, smooth animations.


I'm playing at 1280x1024x32, with all the settings at max, and the game runs smooth, but then so does Q3a for me.


I've only played the first level at 2 of 4 difficulty and the gameplay is very easy at that setting. I can't wait to get to the lightsaber. The gameplay seems designed for that anyway, I find the slow moving blaster 'projectiles' are annoying. They are so slow that it seems that even at nearly point blank range, if your target is moving at all, you miss. In fact I do just as well tagging guards with the stun baton as I do shooting them. I play mostly ghost recon, CS and DoD2, so my aim is very good. Also, while I see the guards making some reasonable AI descisions, they also do what I call the 'suicide chicken', where they go running full-tilt all over the place until I shoot them. Sometimes they just run towards me, and blast right past like I'm not there. This is probably the result of an AI that is programmed to do something, not just stand there like an idiot, being put in a small enclosed area, and will work better with more open spaces. I need to try a harder level. Overall I'm impressed with what I've seen so far, I would recommend buying it.

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