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The Frustrations of Multiplayer Sabering


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I've practiced and practiced online vs both Reborn bots and humans and I'm convinced sabering is almost random.


I swear that sometimes in online mode I literally see my saber pass RIGHT THROUGH an opponent and do no damage. It's not lag....I play on low ping servers.


Sometimes my saber does one type of stroke, then with the EXACT same commands it will do another stroke from a different direction. I don't understand this at all.


I've tried so hard to get multiplayer sabering down to an art form but it's INCREDIBLY tough. I've watched dozens of players and I'm yet to see any that truly use a saber with skill. Nearly everyone runs rounds around in circles swinging and hoping...


Why can't the saber fighting be as good in multiplayer as it is in single player?



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lol. of course everybody's just randomly swinging around, sometimes unaware of what they're exactly doing :p, but that's because this game is so new. When JK1 was first released, the sabering was even more hilarious, but it ended up being the most popular game setting for MP.


Just take a look at this tactic post http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=420023#post420023 to help u on ur way to fully understanding the lightsaber and it's moves. :)

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