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Stuck on Doomgiver Shield Generator


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I accidently read that you throw your light-saber into the blue tubes to destroy them.


My question is, where is the shield generator? I killed everyone and everything and now I'm stuck. There is a room with 4 blue tubes in the corners of the room. 2 tubes in the middle. Then a purple square on the door that looks like a door. I see no red things in there. I walk outside into the big circular room. Again, I see no red things. I walk across the tube I extended out that 'egg thing' in the middle of the big circular room, drop down the vents (or whatever) that I opened with my security key. Nothing down there. I go into the room where I opened those vents, nothing in there either. I go back into the room that I extended the pipe from. Nope, nada.


So... Where the #^$* are these 'red things' everyone is talking about? :mad:

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