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Level 3 Heeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!


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Well i think you read this question several times but i realy need a short exact answer. Im in the third level where are those transporters. After destroying the power for the room burner or what it is that kills you if you dont destroy it what to do? With cheating its no problem but what should i realy do? with no cliping i got on one of those tranporters, but when i changed to normal and reached the blue field i fell down. I realy need help.


A German answer would be very nice


thx in before

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Das tut mir leid. Ich habe ganz mein Deutsche vergessen :\


In the "burner" room, there's a way to climb on top of the transporter. Shortly after you exit that room, you pass by the entrance to the cave network. Jump from the transporter to that cave entrance. It will be on the left.

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Hmm, ich erinnere mich nicht mehr genau, aber wenn du auf den Minentransporter bist,

kommt irgendwann auf der linken Seite eine Stelle, wo du herunterspringen mußt.

Ich glaube diese Stelle ist noch vor dem blauen Energiefeld.



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