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Stuck in tie-fighter hanger!?!?!


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Please help me out here guys... im stuck on lvl 4... i just set free all the guys from the prison cells and they took me to a tie fighter hanger.. i 'm meant to get some commander to open the door but i can seem to find him?


As far as i can see there are 2 ways to go. 1) up a small lift to above the fighters--- but nothing up there 2) through a door with three doors and a window inside---- through the window i see a guy(the commander i guess) none of the doors open and the window wont smash!! help me!!


btw one more thing... how long till i get my lightsabre? :)

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I don't recall exactly where it is, but I think the start is above the Tie Fighters...


Basically what you're looking for is a grate, which you shoot out and climb into. It's easily identifiable because it's partially broken already and air is coming out of it...

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You should be able to take the lift to the top of the tie-fighter bay. Then walk all the way around to the doors. Go through and progress thru that area opening doors with control panels in rooms. I forget in what rooms the buttons are to unlock the doors. Finally the door to the commander is opened. go their push the other door lock inside and get in back of the commander with you gun pointed at his head the whole time. He will walk to where he releases the prisoners. DONT LET HIM DIE. Hope I helped you.


p.s you are close to going on youre jedi trials..keep hack away.

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