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stuck on cairn assembly


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this is the part where i'm in the room with a big structure that is being constructed....

i found that there is a vent on the top of the place but i can't jump into the place because everytime i jumped there is a wall on top that stops me and i just fall down.....and die....

can anyone tell me where i should be going ??:amidala:

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You should be able to jump to the top floor of the structure. There are some horizontal members above that that you can jump to. It's tricky, so use quicksave in case you fall. Then you should be able to use Force Speed and Force Jump to the ledge beneath that grate, then shoot it out and jump up to the grate.

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Well, that's not a whole lot of help...


"Just keep doing what isn't working!"


I'm stuck in the same place... Evidently there's a few of us...


The only thing I _can_ do is jump onto the crane... But then I can't jump off of that at all. How do I get up there? Jumping from boxes doesn't work...





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Originally posted by Chicanery

Well, that's not a whole lot of help...


"Just keep doing what isn't working!"


I'm stuck in the same place... Evidently there's a few of us...


The only thing I _can_ do is jump onto the crane... But then I can't jump off of that at all. How do I get up there? Jumping from boxes doesn't work...







I think u have to jump from one of the bars on the platform...not from the platform itself. and don't jump from the highest one...jump from second or third highest bar to reach vent

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Ahhh.... that ****** crane....


Ignore the crane (in fact I'm impressed you got on it, I had a few frustating minutes trying to!)


You can jump up to the next level without it and then across to where there is a grate that can be destroyed....

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Gah! I nearly went insane on top of that structure. This is how I EVENTUALLY got across to that grate:


If you move to the edge of the top of the structure there's a ledge that runs around the out side of the top section (it's a slightly lighter grey from memory). I got down onto that ledge on the right side (as you're facing the grate), on the section perpendicular to the ledge you're aiming for. Back up to the far end away from the ledge. Use force speed get a run up and round the corner slightly to the left so you get just a little closer to the target ledge (without falling off in the process, or losing momentum). Then leap, leap for all you're worth! It's still not easy, but that's how I managed it anyway.


Good luck. :)

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ARGH! I spent what felt like HOURS trying to get on that crane and jump off of it... Why? Because jumping off of the boxes didn't work... Jumping off of the boxes opposite the elevator, that is... The boxes RIGHT NEXT to the elevator. NP. I feel like such a moron.



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