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After Getting Saber


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this may blow your mind, but i did give that a try,

I tried to cut the ropes for the weights with a saber throw

I tried hitting the weights themselves,

I tried force pushing the weights up, nothing

Am I still missing somthing?

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It took me a few tries until it finally worked.


Try hitting the *rope* with a normal sabre slash.


Or if you can't quite reach, keep at the rope with sabre throws.


You might just be hitting the rope with the handle, as opposed to the blade itself.

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Once you get the lightsabre, destroy the cage that it was under. If you don't do that, you can't cut down the pendulum things. I knew I had to cut the pendulums down, but threw my sabre at them for 10 minutes with no luck. Eventually after destroying every thing in the room (all those little rock shapes on the floor), I ended up destroying the cage. Then I could cut the ropes/chains that held up the pendulums.


I love this game, but sometimes these little stupid things you have to do to continue really get annoying, especially when there's no logic to them.

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