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My game complaints


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First off, I think it's a good game but there are some problems



Saving - When you die it takes you back to the last place it autosaved (checkpoints I guess). Shouldn't it take you back to the last point you saved the game like in JK1? Having to wait for it to load at the wrong spot then loading it again at the right spot is very annoying.


Jan Ors - when she radios Kyle to save her without telling you where she is in the level is a little bad. It might be a puzzle but realistically if someone needs help they at least tell them where they are pinned down. For being a mercenary and a partner to a Jedi, she is pretty weak. Can't even keep out of trouble.


Auto-aim - it stinks very badly. it auto-aims away from the intended target sometimes. or even when there are no targets and are just walking forward, the autoaim moves the cursor which is very weird. where's the option to turn it off?


Options - why are some of the options only available through actually going to the file and chaning the scripting. MAKE A BUTTON in the interface so that changing options, like auto-aim, is easy for dumb users.



Force Powers - It's hard to tell that you're actually using or trying to use a force power (ie Grip, Pull, and Push). You get a very nonloud sound if it works and possibly a flying opponent but what happened to the targeting graphic from JK1.


Bots - they're chicken, enough said. Too many times I see them running away and setting sentry guns, why won't they just stand up and fight me like a man (or woman).


Joining games - whenever you fail to join (ie full server, invalid password, etc) you exit out to the main menu and then have to go back to the server-game list. Very annoying. When you fail to join a server and have to exit, TAKE THE SCREEN BACK TO SERVER - GAME LIST


That's all I can think of currently that could use tweaking. I'm sure there are others but I'm not a person with a great memory.

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All valid complaints, well observered.


as an add note though ->


Originally posted by Swingman

First off, I think it's a good game but there are some problems



Saving - When you die it takes you back to the last place it autosaved (checkpoints I guess). Shouldn't it take you back to the last point you saved the game like in JK1? Having to wait for it to load at the wrong spot then loading it again at the right spot is very annoying.


Slight work around is using f12 (auto save) and f9 (auto load) a LOT. This can screw you if you hit a game stopping bug, or do something else that requires reloading an older game than your last session, but that shouldn't really ever happen. you can f9 before your death cinematic finishes, so you don't need to worry about the load (you can probably do the same with f10- load menu)


Jan Ors - when she radios Kyle to save her without telling you where she is in the level is a little bad. It might be a puzzle but realistically if someone needs help they at least tell them where they are pinned down. For being a mercenary and a partner to a Jedi, she is pretty weak. Can't even keep out of trouble.



true.. yet I really didn't have a problem finding her.


Auto-aim - it stinks very badly. it auto-aims away from the intended target sometimes. or even when there are no targets and are just walking forward, the autoaim moves the cursor which is very weird. where's the option to turn it off?



this actually isn't an auto aim, it's just showing you what you'll really hit. Example- if you turn it off (cg_DynamicCrosshair "0")

and aim through a tiny crack at a trooper, sometimes--even though you have a little red, you'll accidentally shoot the edge of the hole (or whatever obstuction you're peering around). With dynamic crosshairs turned on, the machine artificially moves the cross hair more into the obstruction to let you know the shot isn't possible.


or, to quote King Andy-


"You may have noticed in other games that if there is an object close in front of you and sligtly to your right(Or left in games that let you do that.) the crosshair isn't accurate. This is because the camera and the gun are in diferent places.


Essentialy, if the bullet is going to hit something before it gets to the middle of your screen the cross-hair moves to show you where it will hit. "


it is a pain, but useful.

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qibbish thanks for the info, even though its annoying it does make sense, and I guess it helps in a way. Better off not firing through that crack and not alerting storm troopers of my whereabouts ..... :)


I couldn't find Jan for ages! Kept going back to the ship etc trying to jump up, firing at it, trying to grenade jump. Had to read a post to get past it .. ah well the joys of playing at 3am

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I could not agree more about the server browser. It's only logical that the game would take you back to the server browser as opposed to the main menu. This was something that we complained about during Return to Castle Wolfenstein's multiplayer test stage. In addition to that, though, I'd like to see some more information contained on the server browser-specifically maximum ping. I'm a dial-up user and it's very annoying when I finally find a server that looks suitable, try to hop in, and then get a "Server is for Low Pings Only" message. I'd really like to see which servers are for low pings only without opening up the extended server info or attempting to join the game.

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I agree, I hate clicking on a server only to find it password protected. Why are so many of them password protected. The only games I can get into that aren't full, pass protected, or some other nonsense is the ffa games. I liked JK1 zone games for those reasons, you knew when there was a password and the host can specify what game it is (FF, NF, etc) Knowing the name, game type, and your ping to the server isn't enough information. I know there might be more because I'm not looking at it but it should at least say password or open to all.

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