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This isn't so much a "how do I..." question as it is a "what do I..." question. This is at the very beginning of the level. Lando is up in that little booth with the console above his ship and, as far as I can tell, I have two paths available to me. One goes to a deep pit with red lights; on the other side of the pit is a door that seems to lead to a dead end (a room full of cylindrical tanks). The other path goes to a large section of the city and the path just seems to circle back on itself and return to where I started. There's a lot of stuff in this second path, but I haven't found any place useful to jump to or any accessible doors that will open (except for one that leads to an elevator that is above me and won't come down). So, does anyone know what the heck I'm supposed to do? Thanks in advance.

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yea, in the room which is completely DARK with what looks like canisters of some kind (through the room where there is a pit which has a red pattern on the walls). Use light goggles. You can find your way from there....

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