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Need Help on Nar Shada Streets level


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Ok, I made it out of teh bar, and have climbed as high as I possibly can go. There are some walkways, but nowhere to go, and I can't go any higher up. I found a secret after climbing up some slanted roof as well, if that helps anyone get an idea for where I am. Also, there are constantly these things shooting at me, I can't figure out what or where they are, they aren't just regular bad guys.

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you know that area where there's windows in the roof? well, around there, there is a ship that is hovering with guys shooting at you, you have to take them out and jump on the ship and then jump to the next building. The secret area is near the start point (just takes a while to get there since it's higher up), you want the opposite direction i think. I'm stuck in the electric water room. (which is across the bridge after you get to the building on the other side of the floating ship

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