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I hate that atst level


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I hate level 4 or 5, whatever it is. I started the game on hard just so it will take me longer to beat the game, but I noticed that hard just makes the game impossible. Takes more shots for the stormtroopers to die and less shots for the prisoners to die. Sometimes whenever I reach the turret, all the prisoners have died. Its impossible I tell you! SO i want to start over on a lower difficulty level (medium of course). The thing is, I don't want to play through all those levels again, so I want to skip to that at-st level. Help.. please..

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Try it on extremely hard if you think its difficult. It took me three bloody tries to manage that. The limited advice I can give you is to take out the stormtroopers on the left side of that ledge that are firing onto the prisoners. The ones on the right side start to attack you as soon as get involved, so it takes pressure off the prisoners. I wouldn't both with the turret either, until the ATST comes out. Deal with the stormtroopers using your normal gun.


My current problem is helping Lando protect his ship. On normal it was dead easy, but at this setting there are just so many little bastards and the idiot keeps getting himself killed in no time.

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