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NS hideout stuck here


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well I am basically at the start of the leval in the room with grans bombing me there is one foce moving object and two door I go go into and a tunnel behind a crate that leads to a couple garbage bins that wont budge




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Go into the main room. You will find 4 ducts, 3 of which have a garbage container underneath. The one duct that does not, go underneath and jump up. Then wait for the compactor to rise, and run across to the doorway.


That should get you on your way.




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I'm stuck just a little further from the area you just described. OK, after you go through the trash compactor, and you get to the room with the boxes? stacked up and the narrow walkway... One of the walkways leads to a few carts which you can force pull / push the carts. Does that do anything? Regardless... how do you get past this part of the level? I'm bored outta my mind and I need to shoot something.


Thanks in advance..



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