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Demo? *Spoilers to some*


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Edit: yes i know this has probably been asked before, but i don't sit here hitting refresh :p



any news of a possable demo?

i for one hope so :p

i've got some impaitent friends who want the game! and you know how impatient people get :/


heres my thaughts for one if you (Raven people) haven't already got it going :p



heres my thaught on an SP level


the first level of bespin is a good one, you have a moderate loadout of weapons, force powers, and even the saber. and the level has at least one NPC Jedi Duel.


as for MP well thats an obvious take only limited models, gameplay, and weapons

and 1 or 2 maps with 1 or 2 modes


anywho, i'm hoping for the demo so they will be able to try (and hopefully buy) and so i can dload it and kick their butts all over



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