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Stuck on ns_streets level


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Hey all, I'm stuck just after i jumped accros those two yellow things (the second one I forced pulled towards me) and then into the garbage can which I then proceeded to go through a door which I can't get through (only the garbage thing went though). Now Where do I go from here? I noticed a button just above me but i can't force push/pull it at all. Anyone help me?

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It doesn't! I have tried sooo many times, i have tried jumping and force pushing, i've tried everything i can think of! I know it's supposed to work cause when i put the mouse over it, it changes the cursor to that bluey swirly thing.


Ahh is this a bug?

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I'm reading a few other peoples threads about turning the electricity off in the water, however I never did that, instead I managed (it was hard) to just jump to the area above it without getting electrocuted. Is this possibly why i can't hit the button?

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yea, im stuck at that stage to. i see another door round the side after i have got off the gabage truck (which has disappeared into the building somewhere), but it doesnt open. I cant go down or up, and the only thing that can be pushed is that button.


if you have a save file... can u send me to please?!?

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ok. to get round it, i realise now that if you DONT press the buttons (first and second set) quick enuf, the garbage can goes into the building and you get left on that ledge. I see NO way down or out from that position, this must be a bug. :(


I had to use "devmapall" to allow cheats at the console (which is brought down by shift+tilder) and no clip back to the garbage truck to start the process again! :D

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i got stuck here too the trick to it is seriously obvious. the trick is to stay on the garbage truck and force push the switches as u come close to them. and when u r on that ledge u CAN drop down safely with out loosing any health its just a little tricky

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