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Question about Saber fights...


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I've had JK2 for about 3 days, and I've been playing it nonstop.


This game is so well made, It really blends well with the other two previous Dark forces titles.

Raven, you've done an excellent job.


I have a little question about saber fights, sometimes when you match up the right swing to your opponent, you become "Locked" and you seem to be trying to overpower eachother with your sabers, my question is, what exactly do you do when you go into saber lock, is it just a random thing that plays out for you or are there controls that you use to have it so you chop off their hand or something.

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all you do is press your primary attack button like mad, and when you overpower him, using that, the opponent will fall down, giving you a chance to get a free hit. It's however near impossible to overpower in MP, 'cause the opponent is pressing the button just as fast as you are, maybe slightly faster, but it's not enough to overpower.

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