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Dark Cloak

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Yo, I think I may have found another instance where you can complete one part of the level before another:

I'm on the level where you have to find the Doomgiver. NOW, the problem is this:


I've gone through the whole series of elevator shafts, where you finally ride this one down to the bottom, and a door opens...and it's the next part of the level (loads up and everything). The room desc is as follows:


A door in front of you (seemingly locked), an astromech that comes into view from the left, two mounted turrets on your right and left, as you enter the main part of the room, and some glass with an occifer behind a control panel. I can find absolutely no way to pass through the door next to the window, nor break the glass. *giggles insanely* Although it'd be badass if I could just force pull the officer through the glass...but I can't.

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