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Level 9 secrets (ns_hideout)


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Guest Elvite

Here's all of the secrets. I put them in a likely order that you would come across them while playing the game. The ones with the * next to them are ones not previously listed in this thread.


1) Right at the start, aboveyou.

2) By blowing up a box in the little room on the right.

*3) Near Secret #2 in same room, click your USE key on a hidden door behind some boxes.

*4) In the next room to the right with the large glass barrier. Force pull the box to reveal the passage to the 2nd dumpster. Just before you get to the 2nd dumpster, there is a little alcove up above with a fan in it.

5) If you face the back of the elevator (the one that comes down to a prison type gate with bowcaster guys behind it. Youll see a small opening appear when the lift goes down far enough, thats one.

6) Behind reelo baruk's office. (You have to flip the switch under his desk to open the hidden room)

7) In the stairs, after you go through the previous secret red pathway.

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