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Garabage level trouble, please help.

Guest HunterXray

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Guest HunterXray

I've made it to the garabage level and have made it to the garabage "barge". This is where the barge flys into an opening a short ways from where you jump on. After this Kyle says something about getting the barge to change course. I have been up into the ducting that takes you back to the R2 unit where you control that boom. No controls there.


This is where I am stumped, I can't find any controls or anything to do that. Please tell me what I ame missing. Thank you in advance. :confused:

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Where are you right now ?

Are you on the platform where the R2 unit stands ?

Use the control panel in front of the R2 unit, jump on the sidearm,

now you can either jump to the next sidearm or use force pull(F2) to

pull the sidearm to your side, and easily walk to the trash barge.

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i am walking every where:confused: (you where it have 3 roof-window) and in there 3 door juste 1 can open. and a next to this place it have a flying car (do i have to jump on? if yes how?) and i try to go everywhere i find (2 secret place!!!) Go back to the starting and go in the bar (it is correct if i kill the barman?)


So if you have the time to tell me step by step (with out tell me where the enemie are because i'm alone in the level ;) )

for exemple if we start in the bar or (if i have to jump on the flying car) on the **windowed** roof.

(and what is this R2 unit?)

so thank you and i hope you have the **andwser**


Exuse my english........



** meen i don't know if the spelling id right;)

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Hmm, I still don't know exactly where you are standing, my English isn't the best too !

You mentioned that flying car, if I'm right there were 2 or 3 enemies in

that car, right ?

After you killed them you have to jump on this car, from there on

you'll see where to jump next(still the right side). You are now close

to the glass bridge, after you have crossed the bridge you will reach a

room with electrified water later on. Next to this room you can destroy a pipe

or something and it's

possible to walk in the water and jump to the platform above.

Right there is the R2 unit standing in front of a control panel, use the control

panel and jump to the sidearm, use F2 on the other sidearm, it will be pulled to

your side and now you can easily walk to the trash barge.

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HEre's where I am:

I find myself in a pool of water that was once electric. After fixing that. I did some jumping and found myslef on a platform. I sliced the dude that was up there and hit the switch that moved one of the two arms below. I jump on that arm and kyle says something along the lines of "That looks like a garbage thing. I bet it leads to Reelo". I see it, but can't get to it because I can't jump to the second arm. What is one to do?

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You mentioned that flying car, if I'm right there were 2 or 3 enemies in

that car, right ?

After you killed them you have to jump on this car HOW?


FROM WHERE?? everytime i fall!!!


is you are french


de ou je dois sauter a chaque fois je tombe esceque je dois sauter de lendrois ou il y a les colones (il a en une sur le coin)



si tu peut m'aider tan mieux...........

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I'm not French, I'm German.

But I can't help you with this one, I had to try it severla times myself.

Don't jump right from the platform in front of the "flying car", jump on the car

from some distance, because else you will jump over that car.

Can't be that difficult ! Try it from different positions, it will work.





Like i said before, aim at the other arm and press F2, the arm will be pulled to your side.

Or you jump to the other arm, it works, I've done it this way.



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How can i jump over the car if i jump from under (littele bit under)




so my question was from where i jump




and how can i jump from in front of the car if i never can go in front i jump from the back of the car

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I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FINALY MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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