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my troubles


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hi everyone.. okay im a jedi knight newbie ..there we go..

at the risk of sounding dumb !!

i have a question regarding the single player game..

ive only been playing it for 4 hours and have become a bit stuck


i have infiltrated a base .. and i have to cripple the *mining operation... .. < i have no idea how ..

you can all feel free to laugh at my stupidity.. but i really am stuck,

which is a little undesirable.. seeing as its almost right at the start of the game....

if anyone can/knows how to help me out id be eternally grateful


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So you are still at the starting point or are you already in the mine ?

Where are you stuck ?

Perhaps the "red" room, where the mining carts arrive and doors are closing,

if you stay inside you get killed ?

You have to be more specific, this mission has a lot of difficult parts...

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hi squirrel1

my trouble was on Artus Mines? i think where you start in a small canyon ..and move out into an open area with spotlights and a building that has loads of connecting pipes, over a wide canyon. i had seen floating *carts of some kind ..but couldnt figure out what to do ..until i noticed a small opening on the side of a wall inside one of the areas.. this was in a rocky part which contained some enemies i previously hadnt encountered.. so ,, all i could think to do was try to get on the floaty thing as it went past.. *i jumped onto a nearby rock to try it .. but after the umpteenth go i gave up.. Then i realised that i could try from the other side of the door, from which the *cart came from. this was an area where the *cart enters, then the room glows red and my health goes rapidly, it also has a destroyed droid inside .. i climbed onto the angled struts so i was above the *cart as it entered the room, then i jumped on the front ledge.. as the room glowed red and the siren sounded. i slowly used up all my bacta tanks until it had stopped ..YAY i had survived.. but only had 14 health ..and so i made it to that little opening ...only to be swiftly finished off by something with teeth bigger than the world... though unpurturbed i have carried on and i now have my lightsabre.. my god it took me long enough to notice the cage rising when i stepped on the nearby ledge .. and it took me even longer to make a successful grab for the glowing thing .... eheh ..but i have it now ... :)

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