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desaans girl


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cant recall what you have at the time. if you can, try switching stance and see if that helps.


you also cannot force push her off the edge so dont bother trying.


best tactic is to evade mostly and wait for her to jump, then use force pull to stun her and hit her while shes down.


that works quite well for most reborn.

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She was hard. Usually I try to replay any fight (esp with Reborn) till I win with either no damage, or tops (after many tries) a few shield points lost. I let this one go with 18 health left. She was tough but fun. You only have medium style when you fight her. One move I like to do alot is the medium style Flip-Forward-Attack-Downward. I've taken out alot of reborn that way. Supposed to be hard to hit with, but I do decently with it. Also try the knock down her lightsaber when she throws it so that you can throw yours while she is unarmed.



Off Topic: Awesomest ending to a fight vs a Reborn I have had was with the first one outdoors on Bespin. I have slow motion death set to often and this one ended in slow motion with me finishing a 360 spin slicing off the Reborn's lightsaber hand and him dropping to his knees clutching the stump then dying. Real cool looking (IMHO)

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I found that speed is best against all the Jedi and Reborns. Use the fast figting style and wait for her to swing at you, quickly run around behind her and hack away with about 5 chained strikes. Then jump into the air so that you don't get caught by any retalitory lightning attacks. The fight with her did take me a long time compared to Dessan but that might have been because I'd become better with my swordsmanship...after facing those 2 recorn and 2 darktroopers at the same time on Bespin you're ready for anything. :)

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