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Stuck on Doom_Com [Spoiler]

Guest XWAU_Forceflow

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Guest XWAU_Forceflow

Hey folks, can anybody help me? I just don't know what to do right now. I am in the Doom_Com Level (on the Doomgiver where you have to find the communications array and contact Rogue Squad)

Now, I am after the part with the Interogation Droids (Quite nasty, am I correct in assuming they inject some kind of poision?) And I figured out how to open up the two dors using remote controlled R5s, but what now? I went down with the elevator and fought those two robot like things. I can see through a window into a room with two R5s happilly strolling around, but I can't get into the room. Behind me there is some sort of corridor, but that one is behind a yellow marked door that I can open.


I searched the whole place but couldn't find any way into either the corridor or the room with the two R5s.


Help would be greatly appreciated!



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you have to get into the area with the two r5 droids to open the yellow doors.


cant remember it very well (memory like a goldfish) but check that area for grates or force controlable parts. i didnt get stuck there so its probably staring you in the face.

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Guest XWAU_Forceflow

As a matter of fact it did. I found it right after I posted this. (Yeah, I do feel stupid now) I just didn't see a small opening in the floor behing some pipes. Thanks anyways

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