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What is with..... *Spoilers*

Guest Apparition

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Guest Apparition

... everyone complaining how insanely hard the game is? Even in first impression reviews. I played through on Jedi and didn't have much of a problem. Some of the puzzles definitely are NOT obvious but are usually pretty quick to be seen. I do pay attention pretty well. I think the only problem is if people run through killing everything and not remembering where they haven't been and such. Also, when you kill one of the officers, always check if they have a key. People complain about having to go through the level looking for a key. I never had to, I always had it because I picked it up. Here's a hint, turn away for a moment, if the officer's body disappears, he didn't have a key.


Well, I didn't have much trouble and I only needed help once (I believe in Artus Prime when you have to turn on that column in the center of the chasm. I had all the color codes but it said it was turned off. I totally missed the switch up there. My fault though). I think people are very used to running through that they aren't used to having to keep track of all that. I play more games like Half-Life and Deus Ex and the Thief series which really promote that style of gameplay.


My opinion? The game absolutely rules. There were so many times that my jaw was dropping. Pushing stormtroopers into chasms and getting into vicious saber battles with multiple jedi. How cool is it on Yavin? I had two Jedi with me when I fought 4 dark jedi. That was just awesome. My one gripe was that there could have been more skins but it wasn't as bad as people were saying. The one weird thing is that in every Dark Forces or Jedi Knight game there were a huge number of enemy creatures. Not a single one in this game. I would have expected it in a swamp.


I'm ready for an expansion :) Come on Raven! Forget a vacation! Forget Quake 4! My only hope for the future? More skins, especially aliens and NPC's. I loved Desann but why is it he was once a Yavin student and yet there were no other aliens on Yavin? I'd like to see a coalition of dark Jedi that need to be stopped. That way you can have low force users (like the Reborn, it was great having regular saber clashes since Jedi Knight only had them for boss battles) and then the leaders of the clan that make up boss battles and stuff. I did like Fyarr as a boss. It was a nice change of pace.


Anyway, I'm babbling. It was a great game. Even better than I expected (all the hype kill had dampened my hopes). Can't wait for Raven to give up the easter egg on the dual saber. Maybe on easter? heh

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Think of it this way. On the floor, there are three colums. For each row, there are two squares. You can force push the squares. Line up the squares in the middle row so that the one in the middle, for each row, corresponds to the matching symbol on the wall that's lined up with that row.


Like this...


#, $, and % are sybmols, lets say. and * signifies an empy space.


There's three colums for several rows, and a symbol on the wall for each row (for this little picture, imagine the symbols on the far left and right are the ones on the wall, and the symbols in the middle are on the floor, and the periods are just spacers







You'd use force push on the blocks so it looks like this...




..............*...$...% ........$




So that the middle colum is the same symbol as the sybmol on the wall.


Hope this helps.

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What Apparition said in his first post.


Bugger, you've finished it already, I haven't even started. Litually I haven't got the game yet. About 12 days away till I can begin but tell me something, the Reborn you fight in the Carbonite Freezing chamber on Besmin, is it a boss?

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