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The second one has passed. You could be in the third

Dagobahn Eagle

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“The Goal is Galactic Conquest: In order to achieve this goal, the clans will be required to build and maintain garrisons for defence and fleets for attack, research more powerful and innovative ways to destroy one another and generally have fun. ” — Gryphon


“Starfighters. In X-Wing alliance, your clans fly them. In the Crusade, your clan has to build them first. Planets. In Galactic Battlegrounds, did you care about the planet you fought a random map on? In the Crusade you will. Oh yes, I promise you. You definetly will..


The second crusade is over. The galaxy is littered with debris, parts of what was once starfleets owned by the lead empires of the galaxy. On planets, cities have been reduced to ashes by cruiser bombardement and infantry invasions.


Now, a new beginning. New factions are arming up, preparing for war. Reports starts to come in about massive asteroid field mining plants coming alive again, carrying on their job of feeding an entire fleet with resources. New shipyards are constructed to replace those which came before them. Starships are leaving orbit for fame and conquest, others sits impatiently in the craddles of vast shipyards, ready to set off for supremacy.


And guess what, you could just happen to end up at the bridge of one. You decide where the starship goes and when it goes there. Sign up in a clan, and you will be a fighter pilot or a general in no time.



About the Crusade

From the very start, the Crusade was a different X-Wing Alliance war. Where other wars only allowed the participants to fight in space battles, we added a new element to the game: Strategy. Players started out with a small fleet, then they were to build factories and shipyards to build more ships (which fought space battles using X-Wing Alliance) as well as training ground troops (invasions played in Jedi Knight). Players could invade planets, capture ships, employ Jedi and Sith to discover enemy fleets, and so on.


After two completed wars so far, the first and second Crusade, we, as the Crusade team, wishes to introduce the masses of Galactic Battlegrounds to the addictive world of the galactic Crusade. The objective of the game will be similiar to the previous two crusades, with the exception that space battles will be automatically generated and ground battles will be fought with the Galactic Battleground game engine, thus being a GB-only game. Players will mine resources for creating units, then be responsible for escorting the freighters with resources to their shipyards and factories, where troops and ships will be created. Ships would then be built to decide the fate of the galaxy. No other Star Wars clan war offers such an addition to gameplay as the Crusades.


Join the team.

Join the clans.

Join the highly addictive, world famous crusade. We didn't invent galactic conquest. We merely subtly added the elements that makes it such an experience :angel:.

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The Crusade is a clan event. However, there will be occasiations where clans just do not have the numbers to represent their cause. In these cases, and only in these cases, outside help will be accepted; Mercenaries will be hired to fight for the clan's cause.


As stated, mercenaries are substitutes for clans when the clans need one or more extra people. Being a mercenary, you will fight for whoever gives you an assignment. Although given few assignments, the merces are expected to report when they are needed to fight for what ever cause. So yes, you'll get to experience the Crusade. But no, it won't be nearly as fun. I was a mercenary in the second crusade and never got to fly a single mission. So face it: Most of the time, mercenaries are bench-warmers. If you want to have fun all the time, join a clan. Which is so much more fun than it seems from the outside.


My recommendation is the Nexsis clan :), who will be invited (or challenged, depending on your point of view) to fight in the Crusade. I hope they will.

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