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Let's see...


Some of you may know me from RTCWcentral. If not, hi. :p


Since JK2 is on the Q3 engine, the same basic scripting format should work here too, right? For example, bind x "weaponbank 1" would bind x to weaponbank 1. This is just a simple script. Here's an example of my more complex work for RtCW:




Menu Script by Mindblade, Copyright 2002.




bind 1 "bind 2 vstr script1; bind 3 vstr script2; bind 4 vstr script3; bind 5 vstr script4; bind 6 vstr script5; vstr scriptm

set scriptm "echo ^1[1: Main Menu]^2[2: Incoming]^3[3: Movement]^4[4:Alerts]^5[5:Global]^2[6:Function]"



set script1 "bind 2 say_team Lone enemy inbound; bind 3 say_team 2-3 enemy inbound; bind 4 say_team 4+ enemy inbound; bind 5 say_team Enemy Respawning; bind 6 say_team Enemy Regrouping; vstr script1a"

set script1a "echo ^1[1: Main Menu]^2[2: 1 NME]^3[3: 2-3 NME]^4[4: 4+ NME]^5[5: Respawn]^6[6: Regroup]"



set script2 "bind 2 say_team Let's Regroup/Hold; bind 3 say_team I'm Moving Into Position; bind 4 say_team I'm Ready to Attack; bind 5 say_team Locked & Loaded; bind 6 say_team Go Go Go!; vstr script2a"

set script2a "echo ^1[1:Main Menu]^2[2: Regroup]^3[3:movingtopos]^4[4:RdyAtk]^5[5:L&L]^6[6:Go Go!]"



set script3 "bind 2 say_team Let's Spread out, watch for panzers!; bind 3 say_team Find the Sniper!; bind 4 say_team Watch for Snipers!; vstr script3a"

set script3a "echo ^1[1:Main Menu]^2[2:Spread Out]^4[3:FindSniper]^5[4:Watch4Snipers]"



set script4 "bind 2 vsay Hi; bind 3 vsay Bye; bind 4 vsay GreatShot; bind 5 vsay GoodGame; vstr script4a"

set script4a "echo ^1[1:Main Menu]^2[2:Hi]^3[3:Bye]^4[4:Great Shot]^5[5:Good Game]"



set script5 "bind 2 vsay_team IamSoldier; bind 3 vsay_team IamMedic; bind 4 vsay_team IamLieutenant; bind 5 vsay_team IamEngineer; vstr script5a"

set script5a "echo ^1[1:Main menu]^2[2:Soldier]^3[3:Medic]^4[4:LT]^5[5:Engineer]"



So, in summary, will the basic scripting format for Q3/RtCW work in JK2?

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yea all the scripting works as normal.... but what i want to know is how to script a way to toggle between 2 force powers being selected. i can set it up so that 2 forcepowers toggle being activated... but that doesn't work well... i only want to toggle them being selected so i can use them whenever i want.



bind q vstr w_groupa

bind e vstr w_groupb

bind r vstr w_groupc

bind f vstr w_groupd


set wgroupareset "set w_groupb vstr w_groupb1; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc1;set w_groupd vstr w_groupd1"

set wgroupbreset "set w_groupa vstr w_groupa1; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc1;set w_groupd vstr w_groupd1"

set wgroupcreset "set w_groupa vstr w_groupa1;set w_groupb vstr w_groupb1;set w_groupd vstr w_groupd1"

set wgroupdreset "set w_groupa vstr w_groupa1;set w_groupb vstr w_groupb1; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc1"


set w_groupa1 "force_heal;force_throw; set w_groupa vstr w_groupa2; vstr wgroupareset"

set w_groupa2 "force_throw;force_heal; set w_groupa vstr w_groupa1; vstr wgroupareset"


set w_groupb1 "force_protect;force_absorb; set w_groupb vstr w_groupb2; vstr wgroupbreset"

set w_groupb2 "force_absorb;force_protect; set w_groupb vstr w_groupb1; vstr wgroupbreset"


set w_groupc1 "force_speed;force_pull; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc2; vstr wgroupcreset"

set w_groupc2 "force_pull;force_speed; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc1; vstr wgroupcreset"


set w_groupd1 "weapon 1;weapon 10; set w_groupd vstr w_groupd2; vstr wgroupdreset"

set w_groupd2 "weapon 10;weapon 1; set w_groupd vstr w_groupd1; vstr wgroupdreset"


// Initialization

set w_groupa vstr w_groupa1; set w_groupb vstr w_groupb1; set w_groupc vstr w_groupc1;set w_groupd vstr w_groupd1

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