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help plzzz NS Hideout

Th3 x3n0n

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mayB im being stupid [ most likely :) ] but i cant get where i need to go. ive got into the first room and i have seen the "box" thing that u can push/pull on the rails. i think i need to get it over to the other end, but can only move it 1 place to the cross over part.


Is it right that i need to get this to the other end - how do i move it more?

if not what do i do?

thnx for every1s help :D

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personally, i don't think that cart is there for any reason in particular.

I just ran around that floor opening doors... getting shot, shooting back,etc. Then there's nothing to do... I saw a button behind a glass panel, BUT i can't get to it.. (DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THERE'S A WAY TO PRESS IT?).

Anyway. u see all those big square garbage compacters? The little tubes coming out of them empty into other carts, EXCEPT ONE. find it and hop inside. (DON"T GET CRUSHED THO :D)

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Highlight the spoiler box.



Ignore that first garbage cart... it's there just to show you that you can push/pull carts for when you need to later on.


And yes, there's a huge point in jumping up into that garbage compactor. Jump up and stand on the ledge. See that door on the other side? Off you go. =)


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