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Jedi Outcast copy for sale.


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I'm selling my copy if anyone is interested.


I'm not to sold on the melee combat, I have yet to find a melee game that I find the combat intuitive. I guess until they make me feel as if "I" was weilding the weapon, it won't happen (virtual reality... *sigh*).


Anyway, I'm in Ottawa, Canada.


blashy@hotmail.com if anyone is interested.

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I don't think ANYONE is going to buy a USED copy of the game where they can get it from a store NEW. If you made the price half as much then you might sell it. Maybe your computer just sucks? Cause this game is the BEST melee combat ever!



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sorry but bushidoblade2 for the psx still has the best combat system, a button to overheadslash and a button to crosslsash is soooo much easier to navigate while in combat than arrowkeys+attack.

What I would have done for the lightsaber is make primary a slashing attacking, and secondary an overhead or thrusting slash, to make fights alittle less....hectic?

Then make saber throw a force power.

But all in all the combat system still is in the top 10.

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Thats your opinion dood, I like the JK2 one. And if you read the manual you would see taht you can do all of those moves you mentioned. Hitting a button for each type of swing is stupid and "too" easy. If your wimpy like that and cant do combos then that sux for you.



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