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No copy protection?


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Um, i just got my copy of Jedi Knight 2 : Jedi Outcast, and I dont seem to have a cd key. Apparently it doesnt come with a cd key, as I didnt need one to install and play. Just one questions pops into my mind. Why? why no copy protection/cd key guy? This is a great game, and its a shame that it will soon be poping up all over the net on warez sites. And it will relativley be easy for the piraters and bastards that download the warez to play the game and play online. Whats goin on? Have u guys just said "f*** it" and gave into the dick F***s that warez games. It is apparently open season for piraters. Pls do something about this in the next patch.

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If you think about it cd- keys are useless.


1. For warez theres alwas a why around them. ie hacked exe that alows any thing in there or a set one that the warez people gives you.


2. they cause problems because I have had it where there was duplicate of my cd key and i had to go through a big prosess to get a new one, which sucked.


3. i belive more programing involed and that would put the date back more buy a couple days.


so cd keys just are not worth it.

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I downloaded the game 2 weeks ago to TEST it out. I loved it so much that I bought the collectors edition. Stop "GROUPING" "warez" people in this genre of nasty people who want to reek havoc and ruin your experience in the game. You probably won't notice some of the people have warez copies, yet can act just as decent as the person who bought it. Yes they should buy it if they like it, thats what I did and I think Raven did a fabulous job in making the game.


Also it is TOO late to add any pirating protection. Theres no patch in the world that can save this game from pirating unless raven has implemented a hidden feature, but i think there isn't because the "warez" copies are still working. One thing most people don't understand is that ANYTHING can be cracked given it time and experienced crackers, ANYTHING:eek:



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