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A little help if you please (possible spoilers)


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I feel like a total n00b having to do this but for my own sanity I need to ask for help. Usually I can run through these games no problemo, but today I am TOALLY stumped in the mines.


I have killed everything in sight, gathered all the keys (that I know of) and I still can't figure out what the hell to do. I know I need to somehow get the power off the monorail and there is one last door in the lower mines that is still locked.. I have run though that place like a 1000 times and I can't figure it out.


Anyone got a hint to set me in the right direction?

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Have you climbed onto those hovercars yet? If not, you'll need to do so to complete the board.


Hint: You can do it in the room where they dock, but you'll have to find some way to avoid being electrocuted.

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