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raven has done it again... so whens the expansion?


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This game is by far the BEST star wars game Ive played since Tie Figher from who knows how long ago...


Personally i though that it was an jaw-dropping amazing game that ranks right up there with my other memorable, favorite games like Doom 2 and Half Life... But i have to nitpick a few things, hopefully that would be taken into account when making the expansion since JK2 seems so expansion-worthy. I'm going to compare it to other games like Soul Reaver 2 b/c for some reason, the game feels so strikingly similar... So here goes:


1) The in-game cinematics sucked... Raven should take cue from Crystal Dynamics' Soul Reaver 2's & polish it to the brim with the facial expressions and stuff :)


2) DONT MAKE THE GAME SO FRUSTRATING!! i know i'm not the only person who felt like throwing their cpu out the window when i couldnt find out what to do on yavin with that broken pod thing & u have to crawl under that 'waterfall'... I think i got stuck maybe about 7-8 times in the game that i think were done in purpose to extend the time it takes to finish it. Instead of having incredibly hard to find places as a time-killer, use logical puzzles to do it or something (once again, ala soul reaver 2).


3) more variety of enemies. the game consisted mostly of the same type of ppl: guys with laser guns & guys with sabers & an occasional robot or two. To me, it makes a helluva difference when playing when u have to use different strategies to kill ppl. take for example, Serious sam. Lets see, youve got bulls you have to side step avoid, shoot kamikaze bombers you have to shoot before they run into u, youve got flying bird-women that swoop at you, youve got mass-frog attacks, you get the idea...


4) develop a fighting system for lightsaber duels on multiplayer. Even though the 3 modes are cool, its still a hack & slash & hope you hit someone experience


5) more multiplayer maps & characters.


well, thats my two cents, i think that there WILL be an expansion into the future, call it a hunch, but i hope that my ideas will make it into the cut, b/c if it werent for these things, JK2 would've already been a perfect game :)


anyone else got any ideas for the expansion?



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just one point to make yes serious sam had a wider array of things to kill but how could u do this with jedi knight, the whole purpose of jedi knight is its a star wars game, and at what point of changin the characters from star wars ones that we know and love would the game become just another fps. just my opinion yes we could of had stormtroopers on speeders that u had to sidestep then slash but then it just becomes a montage of other succesful fps games and is no longer a origonal game that people would enjoy.

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As far as more enemies, what about Gamorrean guards and assasin droids?


JK also had quite a bit of wirldlife like Kell dragons but please I don't want to see Mailocs again.


Also some busier levels would be nice, by that I mean levels with more droids and pedasrians walking around doing daily activities.


MP wise some assault like levels would be nice, say invasion of hoth base or a team having to disable the Death Star tractor beam and get back to the falcon etc.

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Originally posted by wildcard24

2) DONT MAKE THE GAME SO FRUSTRATING!! i know i'm not the only person who felt like throwing their cpu out the window when i couldnt find out what to do on yavin with that broken pod thing & u have to crawl under that 'waterfall'... I think i got stuck maybe about 7-8 times in the game that i think were done in purpose to extend the time it takes to finish it. Instead of having incredibly hard to find places as a time-killer, use logical puzzles to do it or something (once again, ala soul reaver 2).


I find the puzzles extremely logically and sometimes so easy that I don't even consider the solution at first. I can't think of one puzzle where the way out wasn't right in front of you.


3) more variety of enemies. the game consisted mostly of the same type of ppl: guys with laser guns & guys with sabers & an occasional robot or two. To me, it makes a helluva difference when playing when u have to use different strategies to kill ppl.


That would be neat for an expansion. Fighting many stormtroopers in Imperial controlled areas is believable - they are afterall the back bone of the forces - but it did seem somewhat "fake" taking on all those Wookie-hunters (I think that is their name) and green guys in the city.

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i think something along the lines of this in expansion terms for JO


Kyle's a mercinary, make a job board, and some work with certain wages, and some tools to buy.


Add some old levels from the old Dark Forces games to satisfy peoples needs for old school stuff on a new engine, i know i wanna see it!


or recreate some key scenes from the movies, most of LA's lame sims (though TF and XW STILL take the tops of most sims on my list, the newer ones of late are kinda dull) did it in various ways.


possably bring back Mara Jade and give her some work to do agianst the remnants


new MP modes

Sith vs Light

kinda like the assimilation mod from Q2, or to those of Ravens past, EF's expansion.


a form of team fortress play with classes


and that about sumerizes my ideas :p


as for enemies, i buy these starwars FPS games for the sole purpose of shooting stormTroopers :p their just the best target one can get in a game, and there is an endless supply of them to boot! :)

i HATE putting up with thermal detonater chucking 3 eyed pests though, and now i hate bug eyed green goblins with sniping equipment.

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