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Completely lost on Nar Shaddaa


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Heheh, this one got me stuck for awhile too. Make sure you are in the room with Lando's ship and on the left and right side of the ship should be some crates. I think there are a bunch of yellow destroyable crates on the right. Then on the left there is either a destroyable crate or one you can move with the force. Once you destroy/move the crates there will be a vent hole in the floor, it is the same for both left and right sides. Enter the vent hole and I think you can take it from there. The Holes are in roughly the same area just in opposite ends of the room. Good Luck.

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I'm stuck on a way before that...I've gotten to a pretty high catwalk where i shot a grenade guy and the catwalk blew up in the middle i jumped across and have looked around and can't figure out where i'm supposed to go... I tried to jump down to a place where I hadn't been but ...well didnt have much success. Could someone please give this poor guy some help?:D:amidala:

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For te necabo:



Somewhere on the other side of the broken bridge is a secret area which I'll leave you to discover. To continue on in the map, you need to make a daring leap into the garbage hauler which had 3 bad guys in it and from there onto another ledge.


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