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I Am A Jumping God.

The Kessel Run

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I recently read a misleading fan-made FAQ that instructed me on how to get through the beginning of the Doomgiver level. It told me to jump on top of the ship I came into the hangar with and then jump off the cockpit onto the next level. It even said that there would be 2 doors on either side that are locked. They were. Jumping up there was a feat alone, I had to pull some fancy duck-jumping which isn't made the Quake 3 Engine. Then further it said to jump into a vent. Well, the cover broke so I assumed that I could jump in......but the vent juts far out from the actual catwalk. I thought Raven was putting a fancy little jump puzzle in so I spent 25 minutes trying to jump into that vent......I finally managed to jump from the side of the catwalk and make a near-impossible sideways duck jump into the vent.....only to realize that there was a wall at the end of it that could not be moved. I saved and read another FAQ telling me to jump into the one above the Imperial Shuttle. You Raven guys could have probably made that vent unbreakable :rolleyes: Someone else care to try? I'm further in the game now but that sucked.

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