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problem with demo in MP.......


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i can't seem to get my demo in multiplayer to run properly, anybody else experienced this? when it finally loads, it runs for about 1 sec. then, crashes or freezes. then, i have to get out of it and restart it. anybody have any advice as to what could be the problem or what i can do to fix it? i would like to have this to get some practice in......my SP and MP work fine too, just this demo won't

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I forgot the command for showing a normal demo and you cant do it from the menu since they put some kind of cheat protection on.... dont ask, I have no idea. You can however play that demo in what they call timedemo mode, which is used to show performace of your machine. Bring down the console once you get to the menu of MP and type these in one at a time. devmap ffa_bespin (hit enter) timedemo 1 (hit enter) disconnect (hit enter this will take you back to the main menu, its ok) bring down console again and type "demo jk2ffa"(without quotes). After the map loads it will play rather fast depending on the speed of your machine, and after its done you can bring down the console and and use the page up key to scroll up a bit, after you see some thing called shaders being loaded, and it will tell you how many Frames per Second you machine did on "average" for the whole demo, mine did about 42FPS, which is pretty good for having full everything detail and 1024 resolution 32bit.

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