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HelpUsObi 1 not working in MP


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I can't get HelpUsObi 1 to work in multiplayer to enable cheats. Hey, I want to try to get that dual lightsaber darn it!!


Whenever I type it in, it just appears as me saying the words, and whenever I try other cheats, it does work.


Also I can't seem to get the devmap <mapname> thing to work.


As you may have guessed, I'm a big newbie to using console type commands, so if anyone could please help me I would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you.



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That is correct the command helpusobi 1 does not work in multiplayer, its a SP only command. To get the devmap thing to work just bring down the console and type devmap ffa_bespin (hit enter) and the map will load. You have to know exactly how the maps are named for the devmap to work. After the map has been loaded it will be like a normal MP session, you can hit esc and click on Add Bot if you wish and spawn bots. To get the dual saber just bring down the console again and type (with / ) /thedestroyer (hit enter) and you on your way.


*edit* sorry forgot one thing, you have to bring out your saber then hit 1 again to retract the blade then do the /thedestroyer thing.

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Thanks for your help, but I'm still having problems.


I can switch levels (woo hoo) but unfortunately whenever I attempt to get the dual saber, I get the message that cheats are not enabled on that server.


I've tried various varitions of /THEDESTROYER but none seem to work.


Any clues?


Thanks again.



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