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Light Saber Duelling In MP. Skill or Luck?


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I really think it's too hard to control the light saber when your target is moving so fast and jumping everywhere and it's so damn hard to use. I tend to think it's more luck if you hit someone than skill.


I'm still yet to see a guy who "owns" with a light saber and can kill people without swinging wildly, and I've spectated a LOT.



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Originally posted by Necro

more skill...unless u swing randomly (aka hack and slash)


Swinging randomly is a good way to die. I've seen too many noobs do it. They just hold down the mouse button and move in a circle. Boy, that just makes it too easy to kill em. It's more skill i'd say. Once you know what the saber does after you hit a certain key you can basically control the saber itself.

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The only luck involved is if your opponent makes a glaring mistake. Aside from that IMO it's purely skill. It will still be a week or 2 before the majority of the "hardcore sabre fighters" become acclimated to the fighting so that you won't see much hack 'n' slash. As I just said on another forum, I have yet to see a wild fighter with any consistent wins in a Duel game. Every single 8/0 + I've seen has been calm, collective, and strategic. The only exception to this of course are the grief killers...ie, the grip n' throw tactic or the push n' slash routine (btw, if someone is doing this to you they probably have very little actual skill...just STAY ON THE GROUND...if you jump you're playing into their demented little game...just give them a push or 2 back and run in on em, usually a quick fight after that.)

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If u have read that thread of Silent_Wolf's where ChangKhan answerws heaps of questions, u probably remember that story bout Chang cutting down 3 guys, since they were noobs they probably wne t crazy trying to get him and therefore got sliced into sushi...so there must be skill involved.

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first when i tried light saber dueling in multiplayer, i just swang my light saber like a crazy jedi on crack. but now i know how to dodge, roll, and jump which means i can go behind my opponent and attack his back. when it's not dueling, i just use my force power.. grip em and slice them into half while they are choking :D

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Well it really depends on how the other person you're actually playing uses it, but hopefully unlike the original JK that being effective with the light saber doesn't involve just running at your opponent with your finger just itching to hit the alternate fire button ;)


Just my two cents

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I think I try to fight instinctively. I don't just hold the mouse of button bash. But will circle around, jump over etc. and then swing in the direction they are going. If I know a particular move that I want to pull off I will try and wait for the right time, rather than doing it repeatedly in a vain attempt to hit.

Once you throw some force powers into the mix it can become quite tactical, pulling and pushing and keeping the correct distance so you can move in for a kill.

Seeing as its a relatively new game you cannot expect people to have mastered saber combat.


Yeah, the grip, saber throw technique is one of my favs too. Once you get to 'grip' in the SP game you can take out the low level reborn with this really easily, although the higher ones are able to block it.

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It's probably 75% skill. I have been playing this game almost non-stop, usually with sabers only, and I have gotten pretty good with it. Just a few hours ago I played in a FFA server with 5 other people sabers only and I had 22 kills where the next guy only had 10. When I play in FFA servers I am in 1st place 90% of the time.


One skill I've learned is to turn your saber to a heavier stance, and instead of running right at an enemy, aim a few feet to his right, so then your saber can get him on the back swing.

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I'd say about 85-90% skill ..... I played on a duel server and won 7-0 the other day, mainly newbs versed me. I waited for them to do their thing, then just slashed them apart each time, and I'm sure I'm not master.


I think the real masters will shine through when we see them using all saber styles within a battle, but give it some time :)

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it is mostly skill cause like with anything, practicing with the lightsaber makes u better. Just like most people said, when I first got JK2 I just slashed like crazy, but then I realized I was dying a lot. JK2 is kinda like JK1 saber fighting because u have to wait for ur oppertunity to attack. Blocking attacks, countering, and then attacking are far more succesful then just slashing. (I like the diagonal downward slash.....block an attack then come down on the side without the lightsaber and u got urself a dead opponenent.)

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To me, the single player lightsabre battles are MUCH better than ANY of the multiplayer ones. If you watch carefully, the reborn in single player have MANY more lightsabre attacks, use better tactics, and perform many more acrobatic movies than they do in multiplayer. I love playing with bots, so what I'd LOVE to see, is the bots perform just as well as they do in single player mode...because THAT is where it seems like the movies. I'd love to see that in multiplayer, too.

It also seems like more oves are available in single player mode, too...maybe not...but if so, why not in multiplayer, too?

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Originally posted by Dark Cloak

To me, the single player lightsabre battles are MUCH better than ANY of the multiplayer ones. If you watch carefully, the reborn in single player have MANY more lightsabre attacks, use better tactics, and perform many more acrobatic movies than they do in multiplayer. I love playing with bots, so what I'd LOVE to see, is the bots perform just as well as they do in single player mode...because THAT is where it seems like the movies. I'd love to see that in multiplayer, too.

It also seems like more oves are available in single player mode, too...maybe not...but if so, why not in multiplayer, too?


I wish I could see that. But dang it i'm stuck in Nar Shadda. Crap!

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Unfornatly the bots in MP have nothing on the SP chars. The bots even on the Jedi Master setting have nothing on Padawan SP characters. I mow down bots faster then I do the Reborns on Padwan setting in SP. And about the saber battle in MP, its mostly skill, its all about experience. Just find out what works for you and use it. Its really that simple. Anyone who just runs around and slashes is destined to get mowed down.

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Well, I'd say it can be pretty skilful. You definitely find yourself developing a pattern. Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating because certain attack patterns seem to be the best and so you just use those again and again... but that's just my fault for not having learnt the complete system, hopefully.

You can definitely play a good counterattack game. This is because of the extreme slowness of the strokes - check this outkendo video

to see some real swordsmanship (and I wouldn't consider these blows particularly speedy). Still, when you consider the fact that we rally get very little sensory feedback from any game then it's only prudent to slow things down, otherwise it really would bcome a game of luck.

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I totally agree that Sabre battles depend heavily upon skill. One thing that I saw earlier was that jumping is a mistake, this is both true and false. Jumping can often attract your opponent toward your landing point, but if you are well aware that they are coming in for the kill, you can quickly prepare a counter attack. If you mess up however, it can spell doom for you.

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