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Recruiting Sabers


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:saberr: Attention!


Recruiting people of any expiriance level for a new saber only clan. Doesn't matter if you suck with one or if your an expert, If you suck we will train you. Dark Forces only however. A web page is underway there is already a few members. No discrmiination between good or bad fighters. If you are interested E-mail me at duelist@sentinelempire.org or get me on ICQ at 108222777.


The Duelist :saberr:

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Hi folks, I shall be joining the aformentioned clan and will be more then happy to help out anyone feeling a bit "young" to sabre dueling...force or no force. My e-mail is wern2@hotmail.com and my icq is 967603, shoot me a message. If push comes to shove I can probably run a 2 person server on my cable for some training if we don't have a dedicated setup yet. Search for character name Shade.



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