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For those who are stuck with The Lady Luck.. how to defeat the bug


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Ok, now on Nar Shaddaa level 3 the last two objectives are "Open the roof" and "Activate the fuel pumps".


Over most Jedi Knight 2 forums I've seen people can't activate the fuel pumps, and when discovering how to defeat the bug myself I thought that I might as well subscribe to help those people out :)


How to do it..


Now when you enter the hanger to meet Lando you enter a checkpoint, therefor you can go back to this position. The first time I did this I blasted most of the enimies but some ran into the ship. Now Lando tells you to activate the hanger doors and pumps about 5 seconds after he has reached the cockpit, but he was busy shooting and therefor couldn't. You'll know if he has told you or not because you should receive a message saying "Datapad Updated" and two more objectives on the mission screen. You can only change the fuel symbols when the objectives have been added. So basically restart at the checkpoint and keep those enimies off Landos back :)


ps:This may not be the correct solution but it's worked for me and four of my friends.

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