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stuck on the streets of bespin.....


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found the R5 unit and after much battling, escorted him to his destination and then made it outside where I've been assisted by bespin security. I've killed everything outside now on the catwalks and everywhere...what's next? I've been wandering around, but so far nothing new! Any help here would be great! Thanks!:confused:

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yes, I had done all that already, fought my way through numerous rooms, along elevated passageways that took me back to the area where I first came to the street (only above it). I took a vator down at the end, then went past a large closed door, then took another vator back up and after a small battle, I entered a room...didn't appear to be anything to do in there and there was only one way out, back the way I came. So I went back out, back up to the upper passageways above the street, and realized that I was stuck.

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I entered a room...didn't appear to be anything to do in there and there was only one way out


Hmm, I don't know exactly which room you mean, here's an extract of the walkthrough :


"Continue on, moving back above the street you were just

fighting on. You should come to a door at the end of the ledge. Inside,

there is a door to your immediate left, with a lounge that has a shield

regen unit. Use it, then go back out into the room and take the other

door, leading to a hallway. The room at the end of the hallway will

have a door on the left with a saber-lock, and a door on the right

which leads out to another ledge. Open the saber lock to let out 2

security officials, then go through the other door. You'll have to

wade through a bunch of enemies on this ledge, making your way around

until you are looking over a large black pit. There should be a lift

at the end of your ledge, on the left. Take it down, walk around the

pit to the lift on the other side. Take it up, then get over to the

door on this new ledge. Wipe out the guys in the room, and press the

orange switch on the wall. This opens the large cargo door right by

the pit. Go back down the lift and through the big doorway."

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