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Wall Running??? how??


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Run alongside a wall, and press forward+towards the wall and press jump. You'll run along the side, hit jump again to leap around in a circle.


More fun: Run into a person in multi and jump, you'll leap backwards off them, knocking them into the ground and causing damage. And you get the cool message, "Your_Name kicked to death Opponent".

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Hmm... let's try more detailed, I may have been a bit murky.


Face alongside the wall, aiming in the direction it's going, not looking at it.

Begin running forward.

While running forward, also hold the strafe direction key towards it.

Press jump.

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well I suck. I cant do it.. I just slide on the walls.. arg.. I'll see if my friend can do it.. maybe he can show me..

thanx for the help.


Oh yeah.. On page 9 of the manual it shows the controls.. on the top of the page is says "Seeker (muli) = -->"..... what is a Seeker?


thanx again

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