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Galoks Ship/doomgiver


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ok redun this thread:


im at the part where u go through the large bay doors and a huge 2 footed walker comes charging shooting missles at u .

but i killed that pos now what i ran all over been back forth i still see sum doors with orange lights i cant get through is there a vent or sumthing im missing here ???¿¿¿►

:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat:

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In the room where you fought the war-walker (and where the assault pod containing more of them is) is a large door. You don't need to go through any vents, it should be unlocked. If not, then perhaps you need to go back and search for some switches, although I'm pretty sure it didn't require any. You'll know you are in the right room because there are two portable cannons deployed on either side of them room.

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