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Thank You Raven and LEC


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OK, this is a thank you note, because I see some Raven people get on here sometimes. I just want to say, I am a serious gamer, I buy a new computer every year, top of the line, just got my new one. I have hundereds of games, and the last time I smiled and got so into a game was during Half-Life. But you have just taken my heart.

Since Thursday I have played non-stop, played the game on Jedi, and it took me quite a while to beat. Which I'm glad. So many games are boring, and have no emotion or enviornment. You're game had it all, the graphics, sound, atmosphere, and real fun gameplay. When I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein, I played it once, beat it on medium in 8 hours, then never played it again. This game I beat on Jedi and it took me 18+hours. Plus I never got bored, you either threw in a cool Star Wars moment, or added more to the great story. I just want to say this is my number one game now, I was afraid that you might fail, but you have my thanks, you have made the best game. And I know multiplayer will keep me busy, as well as different difficulty levels to play on SP.

Bottom Line thanks again this has revived my faith in gaming, and now you are among my favorite developers. You took a classic and made it better. I hope in the future with the Doom III engine, you decide to make a JKIII, and continue on. Until that time I hope you make an expansion set for JKII, not one of those short SP ones, one with as much depth and stuff, but right now I'm trying to get over how shocked I am with this game. RAVEN ROCK ON!!


Chad Campbell.

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You also made Kyle with more feeling, I noticed in JK I he had little feeling, he would joke around when in real danger. But the new one you have seem to create is a lot more emotional and cool.

Plus you guys only made this game in a little over a year! I am impressed, people like John Romero make a game for 3 and a half years, and name it Daikatana and it is nothing but a steaming pile of crap. You guys sure did a good job. I am repeating my self I know, but that means Im so excieted. Now time to catch up on more sleep.

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The Raven guys are the best. They're always in the forums for their games, answering questions and helping people out. Through playing their games over the years, I've watched them grow from a good company to one of the premier game developers on the planet. They deserve all the success in the world, unlike that long-haired freak Romero.


I think the turning point for Raven came with STVEF. SOF was good, but with STVEF they took an Id engine and made a great SP experience...something Id has yet to do. And that tradition of STVEF continues with Jedi Outcast. Game of the year IMO! :D

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Yep, I'll thank Lucasarts and Raven also. Great game and appreciate all the work put in to it. I'm especially glad that it was a star wars game. I'm a very big fan of all this stuff and was waiting for another great star wars game. It'd be great to see Lucasarts partner up with Raven for an aotc game heh. One more note, hope to see an expansion in the near future. Once again, thank you ^_^.

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Id have to agree 100% with the original poster. Awesome work on JO Raven and LEC! I played all weekend for proabably 35+ hours, I just couldnt put it down.


Great work, i hope LEC and Raven get together on stuff again in the future. Maybe a expansion even.



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