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Changing your saber color in SP... How?

Wes Janson SMR

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it would be excellent if you could do that (change the colours) :)


as to your other question: this wont put your light saber away, but it'll switch it "off"- hit "1" (i hope this is what you were refering to)

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To change the color of your saber you have to go in console (I dont know if cheats have to be on or not) and type sabercolor then a color. You can just type in sabercolor and it will give you a list of valid colors to use. And if you need cheats to be on just type devmap and it'll work.

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Thanks guys. The "sabercolor yellow" trick worked. And the "-" command was exactly what I was looking for. Nothing beets taking down a reborn with a backstab, directly followed by deactivating your saber and putting it away at the same time (a la Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon mixed style).


I just wish that there was an option that lets you draw your saber already deactivated. You know, like you pull it out expecting a fight, not turning it on outright yet.


Hmm... I smell a mod.

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