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Filling up lando's ship


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You need to go back outside the hangar and find the fuel tank. It looks like two connected tanks, a bigger one and a smaller one. Jump on top of the smaller one and you'll find controls for manipulating the fuel tank.

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it sounds like you did what I did, right when he says "I need to fuel up first" I ran to the fuel icons. what I wasn't doing was escorting lando onto the ship first, then when he sits in the cockpits seat he'll tell you to go fuel up and the controls then will work.


btw secret nearby

there is a secret area if you walk to the back corner along those fuel pipes around the control panel


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what i did to kill those guys, was just rushing to the first entrance where they come - the opposite way you enter, and arm my thermal bombs, and just use the secondary attack - immideat explosion, then after 2 - 3 bombs, there are just a few of them left, i switch to the saber and finish them off. then i rush back where the second batch come and repeat the same thing.


And i did it on Master Jedi difficulty, so it should be easier with you, unless you are doing the same.

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Willmore, thanks for the insight. Here's what I had to do.


Finally got Lando on the ship, after 5 hours. I put trip mines on either entrance of main hanger doors, I used force speed as soon as Lando was finished talking giving just enough time tio toss a detonation pack through the opening doors on the far side, detnate it and toss 2 more..., then run back to Lando tossing a few thermal detonators than mopping up with the sabre, then as he is going onto the ship I use my last 2 detonators on the guys coming in the back door and kill the last 2 with the sabre.


I don't think I am very far along, but this was by far the hardest thing yet for me. I don't have a problem with the 'puzzles', I just suck at killing people.



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