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What should I upgrade to? Need to know now


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I'm using a 400 mhz AMD Athlon processor, 192 mb ram, and 32mb Xpert 128 3d accelerator. It's really choppy in multiplayer and in outdoor environments in singleplayer, please tell me what will fix this, a geforce 2 card or a 1 gig mhz AMD Athlon processor. I got a low budget so best chances I won't beable to get them both.:(

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I would say get the cpu since you already have a 32 meg video card, granted it's an older card but I think it should still work fine with the increase in speed from the cpu...


[edit] make sure you take alook at the type of slot your current cpu is.. Is it a Duron or a K6-2??(I didn't think Athlons ran at 400mhz).. If it's a K6-2 you might just wanna get a new mobo too.. Since the Socket 7 mobos (K6-2) will only go as fast as a 550 mhz[/edit]



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LOL, yep I believe you have the same problem as I do (soon to be did, my stuff hopefully arrives this week) I upgraded last year and decided to go the cheap way with the Socket 7 board and the K6-2 500 mhz.. But now that I am into gaming the cpu and lack of a 2.0 compatable AGP slot has forced me to spend money on a new Socket A mobo, xp 1700 and 256 ddr,.. If indeed you do have the K6-2 mobo I'm pretty much sure that your best bet would be get a new board and cpu..


Anyone else wanna put their 2bits in to help the feller out..




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