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I am about to lose my mind with this friggin game. I am in the mine and I have tried to jump on that floating mine car from that ledge just outside and to the left of the door that flashes red every 30 seconds. No matter what angle I seem to jump or how close I am to the ledge edge, I do nothing but fall way way short of the top of that thing. How on earth do you get on top of it?!



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Guest Apparition

Go inside. Look to the side. There are two beams that go up and over the car. Shimmy up one and fall down onto it.

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yes. I read this walkthru that said that is how it is done, but I can't do it for the life of me. The previous poster said to go inside, but I don't know where inside to go to find these places to shimmy up he's talking about. I found the room where the car comes and gets radiated or whatever, but if I go in that room I get killed. So, I don't know where to jump on it from.

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ok..that walkthrough is sounding a bit wrong..


go outside, look over the edge, occasionally a pipe will come out, drop down onto it (crouch) then drop down again onto the ledge before it goes back in, go through the pipe-tunnel, and shoot all the glowy red bits to lower the shield on the big object in the middle, then shoot that, this stops the radiation, then hitch a ride up, then you can go into the room, shimmy up the beams, then ride that sucker :)

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this is the correct way to do it.


"go outside, look over the edge, occasionally a pipe will come out, drop down onto it (crouch) then drop down again onto the ledge before it goes back in, go through the pipe-tunnel, and shoot all the glowy red bits to lower the shield on the big object in the middle, then shoot that, this stops the radiation, then hitch a ride up, then you can go into the room, shimmy up the beams, then ride that sucker "

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