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When pusing and being pushed gets old...


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What else is there to CTF on maps like Bespin and Streets?


Seriously, once half the players get good at using push or grip, the game just turns into push or be pushed... nothing else to it.


I mean, it was fun for the first few days of ****s and giggles, but now I join a server and it's like wtf, that's all there is to this?


I think the temple map is the only fun CTF one. Streets can be fun too tho... but bespin is such trash. Too small for any more than like 8 player CTF match ups.


The other map, imperial, is too confined (much like bespin), so it's like a spam fest.

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Yeh but then you can't use like force jump much or your shield will die, and as a slow ground target you'll draw attention with the glowy **** and get killed by some splash damage (of which this game has way too much imo)

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I agree with absorb. Its the only way to go. In fact it was one of the only powers I use besides heal and occasionaly speed.

It is true that if splash damage comes you can be in trouble but if I remember correctly, when you use absorb you will gain force back if someone tries to use powers on you.

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The whole problem we have here is there's just too much Force Power period.


We shouldn't be able to use a spell every 5 seconds. It should be like every minute or two. I would AT LEAST double the cost of all Force Powers or AT LEAST halve the regeneration rate of the Force.


This game is supposed to be based on the Star Wars movies/universe.


Tell me which episode of the Star Wars saga had this much magic going on as CONSTANTLY as what we see in this game?



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Originally posted by Hoth

The whole problem we have here is there's just too much Force Power period.


We shouldn't be able to use a spell every 5 seconds. It should be like every minute or two. I would AT LEAST double the cost of all Force Powers or AT LEAST halve the regeneration rate of the Force.


This game is supposed to be based on the Star Wars movies/universe.


Tell me which episode of the Star Wars saga had this much magic going on as CONSTANTLY as what we see in this game?




shut up, go away, if you want less force, set that as an option on the server, or get rid of it completely

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I don't think that would be a good solution at all... I think they should simply reduce the range for a power like PUSH. The idiotic part of the power is that people knock you off while you jump like across the map from them.

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Yeh, but that's a server variable... I'm just brining up that there is a balancing issue with PUSH on any map with lots of abyss-space... and I think the issue is as simple as reducing the range over effectivness of push. I think up close it should be just as effective.

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