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I am a moron


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I'm in the same boat you are.... It must be something really really really simple and I am just overlooking it and looking for something more difficult....


I need help with that too!!!




P.s. if it is something really really simple, I'll feel really really dumb.

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You should find a platform which sinks if you stand on it and simultaneously raises the cage. Well, stand on that platform until it has sunk as far as it will go, then use force speed and run up the ramp in front of you. You won't make it with speed alone, so just before you get to the sabre use force pull to grab the sabree from under the descending cage.

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You see those pointy rocks being suspended by rope? Well they're getting a little tired of it and want a break. Gravity is calling them, but obviously something is in the way. Maybe you can fix it? :)

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