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Help need in Level


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Please help. The one thing I do not like about this game is there are no tips to guide you along to find where/what you need to do. For example:


I am in the swamps of Yavin, I beat the dark jedi, killed the troopers in the swamp, and headed over to the crashed ship. I can not find where to go next. I have been seriously addicted to this game, and now I have to stop because their is no way for me to go! WTF!?


Someone told me there was a tunnel underwater. Didnt see any tunnels anywhere. Tried to jump to the top of the ship... no dice.


Nothing. It has been so frustrating that this one level is about to ruin my entire game experience.


PLEASE help me.


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Wrong forum section, but i'll help you anyway :)


There is indeed an underwater tunnel but its very well hidden. It took me a while to find it also. Its hard to explain where exactly it is because that level is such a mess... My advice to you is to just carefully examine each pond while hugging the walls... well actually im going to give explaining a try, but dont laugh ;)


Ok the area you're in is kind of heart-shaped.. a very crude heart, but a heart nonetheless. The crashed pod is inside the right half of the heart at the top. Now, the tunnel you need to find is inside the left half, alongside the inner "wall" where the right half meets. So in the middle of the heart, left side, go in the water there, and in the inner wall there is a crack big enough for you to squeeze through. Hope this helps.

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