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My JKII impressions


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Although this game is very fun I find it is lacking in a few areas and could have been so much more than it is :(


First off - the guns need to be more diverse. Meaning, each gun should have its own purpose and use for certain situations. I forget the names but there are like 4 guns that shoot some sort of plasma charge. Why use one over the other? The blaster rifle, Crossbow, etc all shoot a variation of a plasma bullet.


The game SiN, for example, has very unique weapons and you actually have to SWITCH to be successful. Even in Q3, you fire a few rockets, switch to rail and shoot it off then maybe polish him off with some lightning.


Saber dueling is almost perfect, but I think there should be more types of hits (ie. jab, double hand swing, poke, etc) all in the same style so you dont have to switch...


All in all, JK2 is pretty fun, but if the guns were tweaked a bit / added new ones this game would go far.

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I agree to a certain degree. I played JK1 more than any other game i've ever owned and even that game had good diversity of weapons. However it also had really crappy weapon balance (i.e. concussion rifle was god). JK2 has some fairly similar weapons, but at least it's all balanced. I'll sacrifice balance for diversity any day, personally speaking. The saber combat is near perfect as you say, however i was a bit disappointed that there was no secondary fire for the saber.


Despite all this, JK2 is IMO quite a worthy sequel to JK1. And for me that's saying a whole lot.

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