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lost saber - bug ?


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i was on the ns_starpad and a threw my saber, and it crossed one of the bottomless parts of the level, and at that time i accidently pressed 1, or the button that turns on or off the lightsaber, so, i pressed it, and boom the saber turns off, and fall into the pit. now, i can't get it back :-( now correct me if i'm wrong, but a button activates/deactivates the saber, so it's impossible to deactivate it when it's flying ! :-((((

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If you lose your saber and it falls off a ledge or something, select your lightsaber as the weapon and you'll see a yellow glow around Kyle's hand. Now push your attack button, and your saber will fly back to you.


Also works when the saber falls down pits if you stand near the edge... I had to pull mine back up to try to block an attack from Tavion. =)


She still whupped my ass that time tho. :p

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